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Prayers alone cannot deliver souls born with innate homosexual tendencies. While prolonged prayers may assist those who voluntarily choose such practices, those who find themselves with these tendencies from birth are a different matter. Human souls that incarnate into the ‘wrong’ bodies or are born with homosexual inclinations offer evidence of the doctrine of reincarnation and the spiritual law of sowing and reaping. Homosexuality, in this context, is not something that can be cured.
Prayers alone cannot deliver souls born with innate homosexual tendencies. While prolonged prayers may assist those who voluntarily choose such practices, those who find themselves with these tendencies from birth are a different matter. Human souls that incarnate into the ‘wrong’ bodies or are born with homosexual inclinations offer evidence of the doctrine of reincarnation and the spiritual law of sowing and reaping. Homosexuality, in this context, is not something that can be cured.