Upgrade to Pro

If you have a degree, you can still be poor. If you don’t have a degree, you can still be rich. But you can hardly be poor if you have a degree and skill. Nothing kills poverty like skills. Companies are looking for skilled workers, not degree workers. Graduates who complain of unemployment are those without skills but with the entitlement mentality that society owes them a job because they are graduates. The only job you are owed is the one you create with your skill. If you don’t have skills, go and learn some before poverty kills you.
If you have a degree, you can still be poor. If you don’t have a degree, you can still be rich. But you can hardly be poor if you have a degree and skill. Nothing kills poverty like skills. Companies are looking for skilled workers, not degree workers. Graduates who complain of unemployment are those without skills but with the entitlement mentality that society owes them a job because they are graduates. The only job you are owed is the one you create with your skill. If you don’t have skills, go and learn some before poverty kills you.