Upgrade to Pro

When you are in your teens and early twenties, it is alright if all you can talk about are the hottest babes and guys, the hottest movies and songs, or the hottest new dance step. But life is about growth. If that is still your conversation at 30, then you are emotionally stunted. Move on to the hottest shares and business deals. Talk about the hottest passive income ideas. Don’t think that your job alone can save you from poverty. Think of a chair. A chair needs four legs to stand on. But if you remove one leg, the chair may still stand on three legs. But once the legs have been reduced to two, that chair can’t stand. You need at least three income streams to stand above poverty!
When you are in your teens and early twenties, it is alright if all you can talk about are the hottest babes and guys, the hottest movies and songs, or the hottest new dance step. But life is about growth. If that is still your conversation at 30, then you are emotionally stunted. Move on to the hottest shares and business deals. Talk about the hottest passive income ideas. Don’t think that your job alone can save you from poverty. Think of a chair. A chair needs four legs to stand on. But if you remove one leg, the chair may still stand on three legs. But once the legs have been reduced to two, that chair can’t stand. You need at least three income streams to stand above poverty!