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Education without application results in frustration. When you read but do not apply the knowledge acquired, you are like a man who has intercourse with his wife while using a condom. She will never conceive a child, and you will never conceive wealth. The cycle of wealth goes like this. First, you yearn, then you learn, and you discern based on what you learn, which makes you earn. You cannot jump any stage in the process and expect to see progress. It is a continuum of maturity that starts with knowing, then growing, which leads to ploughing, which results in you blowing.
Education without application results in frustration. When you read but do not apply the knowledge acquired, you are like a man who has intercourse with his wife while using a condom. She will never conceive a child, and you will never conceive wealth. The cycle of wealth goes like this. First, you yearn, then you learn, and you discern based on what you learn, which makes you earn. You cannot jump any stage in the process and expect to see progress. It is a continuum of maturity that starts with knowing, then growing, which leads to ploughing, which results in you blowing.