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Never tell your family that your husband or wife is bad after a disagreement because they won't believe she's good after you have reconciled. And remember, you can have an ex-pastor, ex-spouse or ex-lover, but you can't have ex-parents. So, look after your parents to get permanent blessings from God. Finally, don't use your mouth to destroy your children's destiny. Don't call them stupid, even if they act stupidly. Call them what you want them to be instead. Note that God changed Abram's name to Abraham, meaning 'Father of many nations', when Abram was still childless. Call your children what you want them to be, rather than what they are.
Never tell your family that your husband or wife is bad after a disagreement because they won't believe she's good after you have reconciled. And remember, you can have an ex-pastor, ex-spouse or ex-lover, but you can't have ex-parents. So, look after your parents to get permanent blessings from God. Finally, don't use your mouth to destroy your children's destiny. Don't call them stupid, even if they act stupidly. Call them what you want them to be instead. Note that God changed Abram's name to Abraham, meaning 'Father of many nations', when Abram was still childless. Call your children what you want them to be, rather than what they are.