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I'm a (Male24) and I have a twin sister, we look very identical and everything. So right after we entered uni last year my sister had a nice lady walk up to her and ask her to be friends because she is so beautiful and since she is a twin she would bring her good luck.
Fast forward they became friends and this lady let's call her Joyce started spending on my sister left and right to the point that I was benefiting at one side.
It was just a hi and hello between us because it was my sister she wanted to befriend not me. All of a sudden the gifts and stuff stopped coming from her side, so I started asking my sister what's up with you and Joyce. Each time I would ask she would say she is fine and everything is okay but I could tell something was wrong.
Turns out Joyce is a lesbian and wants to get her way with my sister and she is not giving in so they are not cool.
Note Joyce is from a rich family, her father is one of the sitting Ministers in the country now. My sister explained that she is a great person and everything but the problem is she trying to turn her into something she is not.
So after carefully thinking about it we decided to trick Joyce into having sex with a guy for the first time maybe that will do something about her being a lesbian.
So the final day came and we lured her to a guest house with her thinking she was going to spend the night with my sister and do things together.
So when she got there, my sister got her drunk and called me to alert my friend who we had planned to be the one to sleep with her, so my sister left the place and I was to take my friend there, but upon reaching there and seeing her body half naked my desires got the best of me and i ended up sleeping with her.
It was so intense and crazy that it was over 3 hours of sex, she was aware of what's happening around her but she was weak to do anything about it. I left her there when she was a little conscious and went home. I told my sister Everything was okay as per my friends words, I couldn't bring myself to tell her i cancelled my friend and slept with her.
Few days later Joyce (lesbian) contacted me and asked that we repeat what happened, fast forward I agreed and it became a regular thing, my sister was happy because she stopped bothering her with lesbian stuff but she didn't know I was suffering from her constant demands of sex.
Hmm, now Joyce has missed her period o and she claims if it's pregnancy she will keep, I'm praying it's not so because I don't know how I will explain this to my parents and my sister.
What should I do??
I'm a (Male24) and I have a twin sister, we look very identical and everything. So right after we entered uni last year my sister had a nice lady walk up to her and ask her to be friends because she is so beautiful and since she is a twin she would bring her good luck. Fast forward they became friends and this lady let's call her Joyce started spending on my sister left and right to the point that I was benefiting at one side. It was just a hi and hello between us because it was my sister she wanted to befriend not me. All of a sudden the gifts and stuff stopped coming from her side, so I started asking my sister what's up with you and Joyce. Each time I would ask she would say she is fine and everything is okay but I could tell something was wrong. Turns out Joyce is a lesbian and wants to get her way with my sister and she is not giving in so they are not cool. Note Joyce is from a rich family, her father is one of the sitting Ministers in the country now. My sister explained that she is a great person and everything but the problem is she trying to turn her into something she is not. So after carefully thinking about it we decided to trick Joyce into having sex with a guy for the first time maybe that will do something about her being a lesbian. So the final day came and we lured her to a guest house with her thinking she was going to spend the night with my sister and do things together. So when she got there, my sister got her drunk and called me to alert my friend who we had planned to be the one to sleep with her, so my sister left the place and I was to take my friend there, but upon reaching there and seeing her body half naked my desires got the best of me and i ended up sleeping with her. It was so intense and crazy that it was over 3 hours of sex, she was aware of what's happening around her but she was weak to do anything about it. I left her there when she was a little conscious and went home. I told my sister Everything was okay as per my friends words, I couldn't bring myself to tell her i cancelled my friend and slept with her. Few days later Joyce (lesbian) contacted me and asked that we repeat what happened, fast forward I agreed and it became a regular thing, my sister was happy because she stopped bothering her with lesbian stuff but she didn't know I was suffering from her constant demands of sex. Hmm, now Joyce has missed her period o and she claims if it's pregnancy she will keep, I'm praying it's not so because I don't know how I will explain this to my parents and my sister. What should I do??