Upgrade to Pro

“ For over 10 years , I’ve not dated any girl , I just wanted to make money FIRST “ Zubby

“ You see women ? I’m not saying they are bad but they can stress you up mentally . Some think it’s love but it stops you from concentrating. If I was in a relationship I won’t be here or that focused . Don’t tell me to find love when you are broke , I’ve seen how some women treat broke men , so I hard to work hard and be good first . Put some things in order first before any relationship. Those misunderstandings and fights you are getting are cus of money but she will not tell you directly “

Moral lesson : Some of you are still struggling but have girlfriends in all the 36 states in Nigeria
“ For over 10 years , I’ve not dated any girl , I just wanted to make money FIRST “ Zubby “ You see women ? I’m not saying they are bad but they can stress you up mentally . Some think it’s love but it stops you from concentrating. If I was in a relationship I won’t be here or that focused . Don’t tell me to find love when you are broke , I’ve seen how some women treat broke men 💔🤦‍♂️, so I hard to work hard and be good first . Put some things in order first before any relationship. Those misunderstandings and fights you are getting are cus of money but she will not tell you directly “ Moral lesson : Some of you are still struggling but have girlfriends in all the 36 states in Nigeria 🤦‍♂️💔