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If you leave your country as a refugee, your degree cannot give you refuge in the country that gave you asylum, because degrees are not universal. Do you know what is universal? Skills. If you can code in Ghana, you will find cover as a coder in America. If you can cut or plait hair in Kenya, you can relocate to England and locate a job the next day. But even if you have a PhD in Medicine from South Africa, you will have to return to schools and pass qualifying exams before you can practice in Canada. Without skills, you are a mere semiliterate, irrespective of your degree!
If you leave your country as a refugee, your degree cannot give you refuge in the country that gave you asylum, because degrees are not universal. Do you know what is universal? Skills. If you can code in Ghana, you will find cover as a coder in America. If you can cut or plait hair in Kenya, you can relocate to England and locate a job the next day. But even if you have a PhD in Medicine from South Africa, you will have to return to schools and pass qualifying exams before you can practice in Canada. Without skills, you are a mere semiliterate, irrespective of your degree!