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You cannot have a rainbow with only one colour, and you can't have a convoy with only one car. You need to network. Networking is itself an investment. If you attend other people's parties, they attend yours. If you buy from them, they buy from you. No man that wants to get to the highland makes himself an island. Alone, you will go fast in circles. But with your network, you will go fast forward. So, make friends wherever you find yourself, whether at school, church, or a conference. The only place you should not make friends is at your office. Your colleagues are your rivals. Be courteous, but also be cautious. Confiding in co-workers is like confessing to a fellow wife in a polygamous household.
You cannot have a rainbow with only one colour, and you can't have a convoy with only one car. You need to network. Networking is itself an investment. If you attend other people's parties, they attend yours. If you buy from them, they buy from you. No man that wants to get to the highland makes himself an island. Alone, you will go fast in circles. But with your network, you will go fast forward. So, make friends wherever you find yourself, whether at school, church, or a conference. The only place you should not make friends is at your office. Your colleagues are your rivals. Be courteous, but also be cautious. Confiding in co-workers is like confessing to a fellow wife in a polygamous household.