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The Forbes list of the wealthiest people on Earth can also be called the 'Forbes List of People Who Failed or Never Took Examinations'. Examinations are a test of memory. You did not fail that examination. That examination failed you. The public school system failed you. Because it tested your memory, not your abilities. That is why Maria Montessori was so successful as an educator. She realised that examinations were flawed and focused on a pupil's natural ability and God given talents. So, don’t let failing examinations make you think you are dumb. If you test a fish on its ability to fly, it will always fail that exam. You are not dumb! Albert Einstein failed his university entrance examination. Google it. Yet, he is rated one of the most intelligent men ever. Thomas Edison was not formally educated, yet he was the most prolific inventor ever. That you failed an exam does not mean you are dull. The actual test of intelligence is succeeding in life, not succeeding in exams.
The Forbes list of the wealthiest people on Earth can also be called the 'Forbes List of People Who Failed or Never Took Examinations'. Examinations are a test of memory. You did not fail that examination. That examination failed you. The public school system failed you. Because it tested your memory, not your abilities. That is why Maria Montessori was so successful as an educator. She realised that examinations were flawed and focused on a pupil's natural ability and God given talents. So, don’t let failing examinations make you think you are dumb. If you test a fish on its ability to fly, it will always fail that exam. You are not dumb! Albert Einstein failed his university entrance examination. Google it. Yet, he is rated one of the most intelligent men ever. Thomas Edison was not formally educated, yet he was the most prolific inventor ever. That you failed an exam does not mean you are dull. The actual test of intelligence is succeeding in life, not succeeding in exams.