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Who Will Make Heaven?

One of the most prominent delusions in religion and misconceptions of faith ever is the belief that only Christians will make heaven, enter paradise, or be granted existence in God's Kingdom. Nothing in Scripture or the Bible says that. Absolutely nothing. Yeshua (Jesus) never said that. He also never wrote a book. What we have are reported accounts of Him from other people, the earliest of which were written 65 years after He left this world.

Though they are styled as the Gospel according to Matthew, Mark and John, and the historical account of Luke, who was not an eyewitness, the truth is that apart from Mark and Luke, we do not know who wrote these accounts. As for the most reliable Gospel, which is the Gospel according to Mark, the present book of Mark is actually not the original book of Mark. The earliest manuscripts of the Gospel according to Mark end in Mark 16:8. Please fact-check me.
Who Will Make Heaven? One of the most prominent delusions in religion and misconceptions of faith ever is the belief that only Christians will make heaven, enter paradise, or be granted existence in God's Kingdom. Nothing in Scripture or the Bible says that. Absolutely nothing. Yeshua (Jesus) never said that. He also never wrote a book. What we have are reported accounts of Him from other people, the earliest of which were written 65 years after He left this world. Though they are styled as the Gospel according to Matthew, Mark and John, and the historical account of Luke, who was not an eyewitness, the truth is that apart from Mark and Luke, we do not know who wrote these accounts. As for the most reliable Gospel, which is the Gospel according to Mark, the present book of Mark is actually not the original book of Mark. The earliest manuscripts of the Gospel according to Mark end in Mark 16:8. Please fact-check me.