Upgrade to Pro

It’s okay to miss them without wanting them back in your life. It’s okay to remember and long for those good memories you made with them. It’s okay to feel sad when you re-realise that there’s a reason they’re no longer in your life. it’s okay. Just because you miss them or miss moments you had with them, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you want or need them back in your life. You are simply reminiscing on the past and that’s normal.

It’s okay to miss them without wanting them back in your life. It’s okay to remember and long for those good memories you made with them. It’s okay to feel sad when you re-realise that there’s a reason they’re no longer in your life. it’s okay. Just because you miss them or miss moments you had with them, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you want or need them back in your life. You are simply reminiscing on the past and that’s normal.❤️