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Being super understanding of other peoples pains and traumas doesn't mean you should become their punching bags.

They have a story, they got hurt, but do did you. You made a choice to heal and become a better human. They can make that choice too instead of making excuses for their toxic behavior.

A person can only become a better human if they decide to work on themselves. It's not something anyone can make them do. It is not your job to "fix" or "save" people.

Being super understanding of other peoples pains and traumas doesn't mean you should become their punching bags. They have a story, they got hurt, but do did you. You made a choice to heal and become a better human. They can make that choice too instead of making excuses for their toxic behavior. A person can only become a better human if they decide to work on themselves. It's not something anyone can make them do. It is not your job to "fix" or "save" people.