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Just laugh

Two men dÄ«éd the same day and become Ghøsts.
And this conversation ensued between them

Ghøst 1: *How did you dÄ«e?*

Ghøst 2: *I was mistakenly locked up in a freezer. At first I was freezing and then I couldn't breathe and dÄ«ed*.

Ghøst 1: *Oh! What a sād way to dÄ«e*.

Ghøst 2: *Yeah. How did you dÄ«e?*.
Ghost 1: *I dīed of heart attāck. I came back from work and saw a man's pair of shoe at my door steps. I rushed into the room and saw my wife nāked alone on the bed. I searched everywhere including the kitchen, all the other bedrooms, I mean everywhere but I couldn't find the man! I just sat on the floor and suddenly developed a heārt attāck and dīed.*

Ghøst 2: *Did you check inside the refrigerator?*.

Ghost 1: *No*

Ghost 2: *Idīot! You should have checked the refrigerator and both of us would have been alive now*

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... Happy Sunday to you all, today is gonna be a fruitful day (AMEN)
Just laugh šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Two men dÄ«éd the same day and become Ghøsts. And this conversation ensued between them Ghøst 1: *How did you dÄ«e?* Ghøst 2: *I was mistakenly locked up in a freezer. At first I was freezing and then I couldn't breathe and dÄ«ed*. Ghøst 1: *Oh! What a sād way to dÄ«e*. Ghøst 2: *Yeah. How did you dÄ«e?*. #gisttime šŸ‚šŸ˜ Ghost 1: *I dÄ«ed of heart attāck. I came back from work and saw a man's pair of shoe at my door steps. I rushed into the room and saw my wife nāked alone on the bed. I searched everywhere including the kitchen, all the other bedrooms, I mean everywhere but I couldn't find the man! I just sat on the floor and suddenly developed a heārt attāck and dÄ«ed.* Ghøst 2: *Did you check inside the refrigerator?*. Ghost 1: *No* Ghost 2: *IdÄ«ot! You should have checked the refrigerator and both of us would have been alive now* ...chaiiiii šŸ˜šŸ˜‚šŸ˜ šŸ™ Please don't skip šŸ˜”, just appreciate by following like, share and comment God bless you all ... Happy Sunday to you all, today is gonna be a fruitful day (AMEN) šŸ™šŸ™