Upgrade to Pro

You have the right...

You have the right to leave any situation in which you do not see yourself

You have the right to leave any situation in which you do not see yourself.

You have the right to leave any life story in which you don’t like yourself.

You have the right to leave the city that dims your light instead of allowing you to shine brighter, you have the right to pack your bags and start over somewhere else, you have the right to change your life.

You have the right to leave a job you hate, even if the whole world is telling you not to. You have the right to look for what motivates you to get out of bed every day for the rest of your life.

You have the right... You have the right to leave any situation in which you do not see yourself You have the right to leave any situation in which you do not see yourself. You have the right to leave any life story in which you don’t like yourself. You have the right to leave the city that dims your light instead of allowing you to shine brighter, you have the right to pack your bags and start over somewhere else, you have the right to change your life. You have the right to leave a job you hate, even if the whole world is telling you not to. You have the right to look for what motivates you to get out of bed every day for the rest of your life.