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A herbalist is not a witch doctor. There is nothing demonic about herbalism. Even in heaven, plants are used for healing-Revelations 22:2. Africans should not denounce herbalism because of Islam or Christianity. There is hardly any disease that herbs cannot cure.

Read Genesis 1:29. God created man to eat herbs. Most sickness on Earth occurs because we have shifted from this divine diet to eating all kinds of orishirishi foods that put pressure on our bodies. Herbalism restores the sacred balance in your body by resetting you to your factory setting. Prophets in Scripture regularly practiced herbalism 2 Kings 4:39. African herbalism is not evil. Embrace it.

If you have ever had malaria and taken herbs as a remedy, or had psoriasis, eczema, or other skin problems and used ose dudu (AKA dudu osun), you would never call herbalism evil. African herbs are potent. They form the basic foundation of modern pharmaceuticals
A herbalist is not a witch doctor. There is nothing demonic about herbalism. Even in heaven, plants are used for healing-Revelations 22:2. Africans should not denounce herbalism because of Islam or Christianity. There is hardly any disease that herbs cannot cure. Read Genesis 1:29. God created man to eat herbs. Most sickness on Earth occurs because we have shifted from this divine diet to eating all kinds of orishirishi foods that put pressure on our bodies. Herbalism restores the sacred balance in your body by resetting you to your factory setting. Prophets in Scripture regularly practiced herbalism 2 Kings 4:39. African herbalism is not evil. Embrace it. If you have ever had malaria and taken herbs as a remedy, or had psoriasis, eczema, or other skin problems and used ose dudu (AKA dudu osun), you would never call herbalism evil. African herbs are potent. They form the basic foundation of modern pharmaceuticals