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Don't blame yourself for mistakes

It is impossible to live life without making mistakes. But in reality there are no errors. There are consequences that happen after you make a decision. They may suit you or not. You just need to accept it, because the experience has already been gained. Understand that you chose what you chose and did what you did. At the moment of decision making, you have found the best possible option for yourself.

Let go of everything that did not happen, that was lost, lost, thrown away. And then live with the idea that any result is possible. The main thing is don’t destroy yourself for something in the past and don’t be afraid of a terrible future.

Love yourself for your strengths and forgive yourself for your shortcomings - these are the two main principles that will help you accept yourself for who you are.

Don't blame yourself for mistakes It is impossible to live life without making mistakes. But in reality there are no errors. There are consequences that happen after you make a decision. They may suit you or not. You just need to accept it, because the experience has already been gained. Understand that you chose what you chose and did what you did. At the moment of decision making, you have found the best possible option for yourself. Let go of everything that did not happen, that was lost, lost, thrown away. And then live with the idea that any result is possible. The main thing is don’t destroy yourself for something in the past and don’t be afraid of a terrible future. Love yourself for your strengths and forgive yourself for your shortcomings - these are the two main principles that will help you accept yourself for who you are.