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The meaning of life is to give life meaning

At the end of our lives, we are unlikely to regret equally strongly what we did and what we did not do. So it’s better to look back on the past with the thought “I can’t believe I did that!” rather than with the thought “If only I had done that.” It is much easier to live with a lot of mistakes that have taught us something than with a lot of regrets and empty promises to ourselves.

The meaning of life is to give life meaning At the end of our lives, we are unlikely to regret equally strongly what we did and what we did not do. So it’s better to look back on the past with the thought “I can’t believe I did that!” rather than with the thought “If only I had done that.” It is much easier to live with a lot of mistakes that have taught us something than with a lot of regrets and empty promises to ourselves. I