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Think less, act more

Most of us think too much—even those who are not generally inclined to philosophize. About what is happening around right now. About what awaits us in the future. Sometimes this habit plays a cruel joke on us, forcing us to mark time.

The way out is to act, take at least small steps, “turn on” not only your head, but your body too. At the same time, it is important to remember that stable, measured actions are better than fuss and attempts to burden yourself with a maximum of things. And habits are healthier for the psyche than 24/7 spontaneity. The turtle defeats the rabbit - so it was and so, it seems, will always be.

Think less, act more Most of us think too much—even those who are not generally inclined to philosophize. About what is happening around right now. About what awaits us in the future. Sometimes this habit plays a cruel joke on us, forcing us to mark time. The way out is to act, take at least small steps, “turn on” not only your head, but your body too. At the same time, it is important to remember that stable, measured actions are better than fuss and attempts to burden yourself with a maximum of things. And habits are healthier for the psyche than 24/7 spontaneity. The turtle defeats the rabbit - so it was and so, it seems, will always be.