Upgrade to Pro

“If your own attitude towards yourself does not correspond to the way you would like to cause in other people, you will never be able to change the order of things. Your actions are your thoughts with power, and if you do not treat yourself with love and respect, you are sending a message that you are not important, worthy, or deserving of good things. This signal will go on and you will receive many new manifestations of bad attitude towards you. People are just the result. Your thoughts are the reason. Start treating yourself with love and respect - send such a signal, tune in to a new frequency. Then the law of attraction will transform the Universe, and your life will be filled with people who love and respect you."

“If your own attitude towards yourself does not correspond to the way you would like to cause in other people, you will never be able to change the order of things. Your actions are your thoughts with power, and if you do not treat yourself with love and respect, you are sending a message that you are not important, worthy, or deserving of good things. This signal will go on and you will receive many new manifestations of bad attitude towards you. People are just the result. Your thoughts are the reason. Start treating yourself with love and respect - send such a signal, tune in to a new frequency. Then the law of attraction will transform the Universe, and your life will be filled with people who love and respect you."