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Wanting to be liked is a weakness. It makes you behave in ways you would not ordinarily act because you want people's affirmation. And people can sense when you want to be liked. And it gives them power over you. But you do not need to be liked. What you need is to be respected. Chase that. It is better for people to respect and dislike you than for them to like and not respect you. You can dislike your boss, but you obey him. You like your driver, but you don't obey him. Do you get the drift?
Wanting to be liked is a weakness. It makes you behave in ways you would not ordinarily act because you want people's affirmation. And people can sense when you want to be liked. And it gives them power over you. But you do not need to be liked. What you need is to be respected. Chase that. It is better for people to respect and dislike you than for them to like and not respect you. You can dislike your boss, but you obey him. You like your driver, but you don't obey him. Do you get the drift?