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When making friends, seek out those with whom you share common interests. Instead, look for those with whom you share common commitments. For example, if you share common interests with someone over a football club, that tie is not strong enough for a friendship. But you can be acquaintances and even comrades. But when you share a common commitment to a cause, like patriotism for your country or vision for your future, that bond is tight enough for friendships. A person who is committed to you is better than one who is only interested in you.
When making friends, seek out those with whom you share common interests. Instead, look for those with whom you share common commitments. For example, if you share common interests with someone over a football club, that tie is not strong enough for a friendship. But you can be acquaintances and even comrades. But when you share a common commitment to a cause, like patriotism for your country or vision for your future, that bond is tight enough for friendships. A person who is committed to you is better than one who is only interested in you.