Upgrade to Pro

If you are not a reader and constant learner, your money-making ability will be severely limited. Why? Because money is a reward for solving problems. And problems are dynamic. Forty years ago you had to travel to your village to see your relatives. That was a problem. Today, you can video chat with them. That is a solution. Technology and new information are constantly solving old problems and creating new solutions. And if you do not keep up with them, you will become part of the problem. And those who cause problems cost money. At the same time, those who solve problems make money. Do you now see why you should be a reader and constant learner? 
If you are not a reader and constant learner, your money-making ability will be severely limited. Why? Because money is a reward for solving problems. And problems are dynamic. Forty years ago you had to travel to your village to see your relatives. That was a problem. Today, you can video chat with them. That is a solution. Technology and new information are constantly solving old problems and creating new solutions. And if you do not keep up with them, you will become part of the problem. And those who cause problems cost money. At the same time, those who solve problems make money. Do you now see why you should be a reader and constant learner?