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Whenever you start to feel overwhelmed by the reality of an unknown future, I hope you can remember that today used to be one of those days that you worried so tirelessly about. Now, here you are, on the other side of that unknown, successfully making it through every moment, one breath at a time. And the fact that you're still breathing and finding Light along the path is proof your unknowns have not defined you. Even here, there is more to you.

Whenever you start to feel overwhelmed by the reality of an unknown future, I hope you can remember that today used to be one of those days that you worried so tirelessly about. Now, here you are, on the other side of that unknown, successfully making it through every moment, one breath at a time. And the fact that you're still breathing and finding Light along the path is proof your unknowns have not defined you. Even here, there is more to you.