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If you are flying a plane without a parachute, death is certain if your plane crashes, because there is no way out for you. And if you are relying on a job without a side hustle or investments, poverty is inevitable for you if your job is lost or your company crashes. You need a parachute. You need a side hustle. You need something that you can fall back on. And if you do not have it, start getting it. Because everybody falls. But not everyone rises back up after a fall. Capisce?
If you are flying a plane without a parachute, death is certain if your plane crashes, because there is no way out for you. And if you are relying on a job without a side hustle or investments, poverty is inevitable for you if your job is lost or your company crashes. You need a parachute. You need a side hustle. You need something that you can fall back on. And if you do not have it, start getting it. Because everybody falls. But not everyone rises back up after a fall. Capisce?