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I pinned the story to the top of my timeline

Let's groove into jokes small
I woke Up Very Húngry. Though I've Been manâging my life rîght From Smâll, My Parents werèn't living With Me, So I Mánage with the littlé I gôt,!.

But this Morning Was so wórst, No móney, Nóthing!!, I called my Best Fríend, Scrapper who works in An Officè to support me, but he said he doésn't have môney, so I decided to Go to his Office at léast to Bég him the More.

As I got there, I was lèaning at the Wall waiting for my Friend, the CÉO of the Office Cáme to Where I was staying and Said "How Mûch are they Páying you??"
I was Cónfused, but I replíed "2OK", because that's the Móney they usually páy me in Where I'm wôrking!
He diped his hand in his pócket, brought out 5OK and spárked "This Officè is meant for Sérious people in Lifé not for Lâzy ones, now Leâve this offîce!!"

I wanted to intérrupt him that I'm Nót Working here, but he shóuted "I said LEÁVE!!, I can néver Accèpt you in my Office!"
After I léft, he asked the other wôrkers, Who's he??, They replied "he wás waiting for his Friend!"

I came to Ask for Just ksh5O0 to eât, and God miraculóusly Blessed me With 5OK; Blessed Father, I'm Nót Askîng Much From you, But Just Upon our Lives, May you Do an Unfórgettable miracle that will make Us Cry a Téars of Joy

My Lóve, It Shall Surely Be Wéll With You, May your Lóving Parents Who Lábor in the Sún daily Just to Make you Happy in Lifé, May God surprise them this Month

I have Prayed For You Mightily, and You Decided to Wálk away from me, Chaii, I didn't Do Anythíng to Desèrve that, Please I'm Bégging you, Just Ádd me as Your Friend, that's Áll, Please Let's be Amazing Friends tôgether

Can I Just Get A Friend Réquest From you, Please I'm really Begging you, Just A Friend Réquest

My Lóve, Please Open My Profile and ÁÁdd Dero De scrapperDero De scrapper
I pinned the story to the top of my timeline 🤣🤣🤣 Let's groove into jokes small 👤🤣 I woke Up Very Húngry🥺😔. Though I've Been manâging my life rîght From Smâll, My Parents werèn't living With Me, So I Mánage with the littlé I gôt,!.😢😔😔 But this Morning Was so wórst, No móney, Nóthing!!, I called my Best Fríend, Scrapper who works in An Officè to support me, but he said he doésn't have môney, so I decided to Go to his Office at léast to Bég him the More.🥺🥺😭😭 As I got there, I was lèaning at the Wall waiting for my Friend, the CÉO of the Office Cáme to Where I was staying and Said "How Mûch are they Páying you??" I was Cónfused😒, but I replíed "2OK", because that's the Móney they usually páy me in Where I'm wôrking!😔😔 He diped his hand in his pócket, brought out 5OK and spárked "This Officè is meant for Sérious people in Lifé not for Lâzy ones, now Leâve this offîce!!" 😟😔 I wanted to intérrupt him that I'm Nót Working here😟, but he shóuted "I said LEÁVE!!, I can néver Accèpt you in my Office!" 😳😳 After I léft, he asked the other wôrkers, Who's he??, They replied "he wás waiting for his Friend!" 😋🤲😌🥺🥺 I came to Ask for Just ksh5O0 to eât😭😔, and God miraculóusly Blessed me With 5OK; Blessed Father, I'm Nót Askîng Much From you, But Just Upon our Lives, May you Do an Unfórgettable miracle that will make Us Cry a Téars of Joy🥺🥺🙏😢💖 ................ My Lóve🥺, It Shall Surely Be Wéll With You🤲😔, May your Lóving Parents Who Lábor in the Sún daily Just to Make you Happy in Lifé, May God surprise them this Month😢🙏😭 I have Prayed For You Mightily, and You Decided to Wálk away from me, Chaii😢, I didn't Do Anythíng to Desèrve that, Please I'm Bégging you, Just Ádd me as Your Friend, that's Áll🙏😭😭, Please Let's be Amazing Friends tôgether🥰🥰🥺🙏🙏 Can I Just Get A Friend Réquest From you, Please I'm really Begging you, Just A Friend Réquest 🥺🙏😭 My Lóve, Please Open My Profile and ÁÁdd🥺🙏👉 Dero De scrapperDero De scrapper