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A lion follows an antelope to kill it. A vulture stalks a wounded animal hoping it will die and the vulture can feast. Moral of the story: Not all followers are your friends, fans or admirers. Some are following you to monitor and destroy you. Others are stalking you because they are too weak to attack you directly. But when you are down, they can feast on your problems like vultures. That is why you should have a circle of reliable friends outside social media. 
A lion follows an antelope to kill it. A vulture stalks a wounded animal hoping it will die and the vulture can feast. Moral of the story: Not all followers are your friends, fans or admirers. Some are following you to monitor and destroy you. Others are stalking you because they are too weak to attack you directly. But when you are down, they can feast on your problems like vultures. That is why you should have a circle of reliable friends outside social media.