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The Best Business Books all the Time❤

1:Napoleon hill(think and grow rich)

2:Rhonda Byrne (the secret)

3: Robert kiyosaki (Rich dad poor dad)

4:Benjamin graham(the intelligent investor)

5:Tony Robbins(money master the game)

6:Timothy ferris The 4 hour work week

7:Mj demarco (the millionaire fastlane)

42:The art of war

8:The power of habit

9:any rand Atlas shrugged 

10:How to win friends and influence people

11:The $100 dollar start-up

12:The monk who sold his Ferrari 

13:E-myth revisited

14:The 10x rule

15:Zero to One

16:Fred factor

17:The Go-giver

18:Trump the art of the deal

19:Keep any promise 

20:Radicals & visionaries

21:Bonus three kingdoms

22:Live is what you make it

23:Where good ideas come from Steven Johnson 

24:Moonwalking with Einstein "by Joshua foer

25:Tap dancing to work "by carol loomis"

26:Making the modern world "vaclav smil"

27:The sixth extinction

28:The man who fed the world 

29:The Rosie project: A Novel

30:Business adventures: twelve classic tales

31:How to lie with statistics

32:Sapiens: A brief history of humankind


34:The box

35:How not to be wrong

36:The innovators: how a group of hackers, geniuses and geeks created the digital


38:Unlimited power

39:How to friends and influence people 

40:The millionaire next door

41:The richest man in Babylon 

43:Start with why

44:Losing my virginity 

45:Tools of Titans & tribe of mentors 

46:Principles: life and work

47:Crushing it! By Gary vaynerchuck

48:Outliers: the story of success

49:Elon mask: tesla,spaceX, and the Quest

50:for a fantastic future

51:The hard thing about hard things

52:Billion dollar app

53:Solve for happy 
📚The Best Business Books all the Time❤ 1:Napoleon hill(think and grow rich)✔️ 2:Rhonda Byrne (the secret) ✔️ 3: Robert kiyosaki (Rich dad poor dad)✔️ 4:Benjamin graham(the intelligent investor) 5:Tony Robbins(money master the game) 6:Timothy ferris The 4 hour work week✔️ 7:Mj demarco (the millionaire fastlane)✔️ 42:The art of war ✔️ 8:The power of habit 9:any rand Atlas shrugged  10:How to win friends and influence people✔️ 11:The $100 dollar start-up 12:The monk who sold his Ferrari  13:E-myth revisited 14:The 10x rule 15:Zero to One 16:Fred factor 17:The Go-giver 18:Trump the art of the deal 19:Keep any promise  20:Radicals & visionaries 21:Bonus three kingdoms 22:Live is what you make it 23:Where good ideas come from Steven Johnson  24:Moonwalking with Einstein "by Joshua foer 25:Tap dancing to work "by carol loomis" 26:Making the modern world "vaclav smil" 27:The sixth extinction 28:The man who fed the world  29:The Rosie project: A Novel 30:Business adventures: twelve classic tales 31:How to lie with statistics 32:Sapiens: A brief history of humankind 33:Outliers 34:The box 35:How not to be wrong 36:The innovators: how a group of hackers, geniuses and geeks created the digital 37:revolution  38:Unlimited power 39:How to friends and influence people  40:The millionaire next door 41:The richest man in Babylon  43:Start with why 44:Losing my virginity  45:Tools of Titans & tribe of mentors  46:Principles: life and work 47:Crushing it! By Gary vaynerchuck 48:Outliers: the story of success 49:Elon mask: tesla,spaceX, and the Quest 50:for a fantastic future 51:The hard thing about hard things 52:Billion dollar app 53:Solve for happy