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Here are 7 Lessons From "There Are Moms Way Worse Than You: Irrefutable Proof That You Are Indeed a Fantastic Parent" by Glenn Boozan:

1. Embrace Imperfection: The book emphasizes that perfection is not attainable in parenting, and striving for it can lead to undue stress. Instead, embrace your imperfections and view them as opportunities to learn and grow. Mistakes are part of the parenting journey, and they can lead to valuable lessons and stronger relationships with your children.

2. Laugh at Yourself: Finding humor in your parenting mishaps can provide relief from the pressure of getting everything right. Being able to laugh at yourself not only reduces stress but also models resilience and a positive attitude for your children. It can make the journey of parenting more enjoyable and less daunting.

3. Perspective on Parenting: Boozan uses comparisons with extreme or absurd parenting examples from history and pop culture to give readers a sense of perspective. This allows moms to see that their parenting choices are not as bad as they might fear and that others have made far more questionable decisions. This perspective can provide much-needed reassurance.

4. Let Go of Comparisons: Constantly comparing yourself to other moms can be damaging to your self-esteem. Instead, focus on your own strengths and unique circumstances. The book encourages moms to stop comparing themselves to others and to concentrate on their own journey and what works best for their families.

5. Celebrate Small Victories: Parenting is full of small wins, and celebrating them can boost your confidence and motivation. Whether it's a successful bedtime routine or a heartfelt conversation with your child, taking the time to acknowledge these accomplishments can make you feel more capable and accomplished as a parent.

6. Trust Your Instincts: Moms often possess natural instincts when it comes to raising their children. Trusting your gut feelings can lead you to make decisions that are best for your family. Relying on your intuition can guide you through challenging situations and help you make confident choices.

7. Self-Care and Boundaries: Taking care of yourself is essential for maintaining your ability to care for your children. This includes setting aside time for rest, hobbies, and social connections. Establishing boundaries, such as setting limits on work hours or household responsibilities, helps protect your well-being and prevent burnout.
Here are 7 Lessons From "There Are Moms Way Worse Than You: Irrefutable Proof That You Are Indeed a Fantastic Parent" by Glenn Boozan: 1. Embrace Imperfection: The book emphasizes that perfection is not attainable in parenting, and striving for it can lead to undue stress. Instead, embrace your imperfections and view them as opportunities to learn and grow. Mistakes are part of the parenting journey, and they can lead to valuable lessons and stronger relationships with your children. 2. Laugh at Yourself: Finding humor in your parenting mishaps can provide relief from the pressure of getting everything right. Being able to laugh at yourself not only reduces stress but also models resilience and a positive attitude for your children. It can make the journey of parenting more enjoyable and less daunting. 3. Perspective on Parenting: Boozan uses comparisons with extreme or absurd parenting examples from history and pop culture to give readers a sense of perspective. This allows moms to see that their parenting choices are not as bad as they might fear and that others have made far more questionable decisions. This perspective can provide much-needed reassurance. 4. Let Go of Comparisons: Constantly comparing yourself to other moms can be damaging to your self-esteem. Instead, focus on your own strengths and unique circumstances. The book encourages moms to stop comparing themselves to others and to concentrate on their own journey and what works best for their families. 5. Celebrate Small Victories: Parenting is full of small wins, and celebrating them can boost your confidence and motivation. Whether it's a successful bedtime routine or a heartfelt conversation with your child, taking the time to acknowledge these accomplishments can make you feel more capable and accomplished as a parent. 6. Trust Your Instincts: Moms often possess natural instincts when it comes to raising their children. Trusting your gut feelings can lead you to make decisions that are best for your family. Relying on your intuition can guide you through challenging situations and help you make confident choices. 7. Self-Care and Boundaries: Taking care of yourself is essential for maintaining your ability to care for your children. This includes setting aside time for rest, hobbies, and social connections. Establishing boundaries, such as setting limits on work hours or household responsibilities, helps protect your well-being and prevent burnout.