Upgrade to Pro

Democrats have the urgent, exciting challenge to produce good visions for the future, and to re-establish these stories as shared goals with the American public. Every candidate hopeful is now on the hook to make pitches, and good ones, about who we are and who we want to be. Give us the dream, the appetite for beautiful ends. And then give us policy objectives as goals we strive for to help get us there. Americans are desperate for compelling stories about how to make sense of our moment, and how to best share life with our neighbors at a national, state, local, residential, ecological, and global digital communities-scale. Give us reasons to be excited and hopeful again!
Democrats have the urgent, exciting challenge to produce good visions for the future, and to re-establish these stories as shared goals with the American public. Every candidate hopeful is now on the hook to make pitches, and good ones, about who we are and who we want to be. Give us the dream, the appetite for beautiful ends. And then give us policy objectives as goals we strive for to help get us there. Americans are desperate for compelling stories about how to make sense of our moment, and how to best share life with our neighbors at a national, state, local, residential, ecological, and global digital communities-scale. Give us reasons to be excited and hopeful again!