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Wisdom Bits🫡

1. Be Silent - in the heat of anger. Else you say harmful, hurtful words you can't take back, like a stone dropped in the sea.

2. Be Silent - when you don't have all the facts. So you don't jump into conclusions, without hearing both sides of the story

3. Be Silent - when you
haven't verified the story. To avoid 'she said', 'he said' wahala..

4. Be Silent - if your words
will offend a weaker Person.

5. Be Silent - when it is time to listen. People who talk too much, tend to listen less, as they often feel they know it all..

6. Be Silent - when you are tempted to make light of holy things.

7. Be Silent - When you are tempted to joke about sin.

8. Be Silent - if you would be ashamed of your words later.
If you can't stand up to defend your words when called upon later, it's better to not say them at all..

9. Be Silent - if your words would convey the wrong impression.

10. Be Silent - if the issue is none of your business.

11. Be Silent - when you are tempted to tell an outright lie.

12. Be Silent - if your words will damage someone else's reputation.

13. Be Silent - if your words will damage a friendship or long lasting relationship..

14. Be Silent - when you are feeling critical.

15. Be Silent - if your words will be a poor reflection of your friends and family.

16. Be Silent - if you have already said it more than one time.

If You Have Nothing Meaningful To Say, Keep Quiet..
Wisdom Bits🫡 *WHEN TO BE SILENT* 1. Be Silent - in the heat of anger. Else you say harmful, hurtful words you can't take back, like a stone dropped in the sea. 2. Be Silent - when you don't have all the facts. So you don't jump into conclusions, without hearing both sides of the story 3. Be Silent - when you haven't verified the story. To avoid 'she said', 'he said' wahala.. 4. Be Silent - if your words will offend a weaker Person. 5. Be Silent - when it is time to listen. People who talk too much, tend to listen less, as they often feel they know it all.. 6. Be Silent - when you are tempted to make light of holy things. 7. Be Silent - When you are tempted to joke about sin. 8. Be Silent - if you would be ashamed of your words later. If you can't stand up to defend your words when called upon later, it's better to not say them at all.. 9. Be Silent - if your words would convey the wrong impression. 10. Be Silent - if the issue is none of your business. 11. Be Silent - when you are tempted to tell an outright lie. 12. Be Silent - if your words will damage someone else's reputation. 13. Be Silent - if your words will damage a friendship or long lasting relationship.. 14. Be Silent - when you are feeling critical. 15. Be Silent - if your words will be a poor reflection of your friends and family. 16. Be Silent - if you have already said it more than one time. *"YOUR TONGUE WOULD PUT YOU IN TROUBLE, IF YOU USE IT WRONGLY. If You Have Nothing Meaningful To Say, Keep Quiet..🤫