Upgrade to Pro

Every Saturday, which is the Sabbath. as you end an old week and begin a new one, evolve the discipline of reflecting on the past week and preparing for the coming one. Or you will just live a recycled weekly circular existence. Improvements do not just happen. Making them happen through contemplation, inspiration, motivation, and action would be best. That is the difference between living a fulfilled life, where you direct the events that happen to you and having an unfulfilled existence, where you are directed by the circumstances and conditions that transpire in your life. You can't be a winner if you are not a thinker.
Every Saturday, which is the Sabbath. as you end an old week and begin a new one, evolve the discipline of reflecting on the past week and preparing for the coming one. Or you will just live a recycled weekly circular existence. Improvements do not just happen. Making them happen through contemplation, inspiration, motivation, and action would be best. That is the difference between living a fulfilled life, where you direct the events that happen to you and having an unfulfilled existence, where you are directed by the circumstances and conditions that transpire in your life. You can't be a winner if you are not a thinker.