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Your situation reflects who you are

Everything is a reflection of your attitude towards life in general

If you are poor that is often because you are lazy and stupid

If you are rich that means you were at least smart enough to learn from the winners

To apply their wisdom and to avoid their mistakes

It’s very uncommon that you see a poor person and take his advice even if he’s smart

Most people would rather take the rich man’s advice even if he is not that mentally bright

Your situation gives you or takes respect away from you.

Your situation reflects who you are Everything is a reflection of your attitude towards life in general If you are poor that is often because you are lazy and stupid If you are rich that means you were at least smart enough to learn from the winners To apply their wisdom and to avoid their mistakes It’s very uncommon that you see a poor person and take his advice even if he’s smart Most people would rather take the rich man’s advice even if he is not that mentally bright Your situation gives you or takes respect away from you.