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Proudly a NIGERIAN
Hausa is one of the most widely spoken indigenous languages in Africa, competing favourably with Swahili. It is the most widely spoken language in Nigeria and Niger republic as well as the dominant indegenous language in West Africa.

The Hausa people are easy going, generous (sometimes to a fault) and generally trust worthy (aminci).

Their cuisine is very rich from various types of Tuwo (Shinkafa, Dawa, Masara etc) with accompanying soups to the famous "Suya", Kuli Kuli, dambu, alkubus, biski, gurasa, fate etc.
They are great farmers and produce onions, rice, ground nut, peppers, tomatoes and many grains in large quantities.
They are one of the few ethnic groups in Africa that delight in chatting online exclusively in Hausa.
They are also known to be never ashamed of speaking their language any where in the world. They give their language first place among all languages. Similarly, they give special consideration to whoever attempts to speak in Hausa. Consequently, the language keeps spreading like wild fire.
It is one of the very few languages in Africa with foreign stations like BBC, VOA, RFI etc broadcasting in their language.

Join me to celebrate them as today, the 26th of August is "Ranar Hausa" - International Hausa Day.
Proudly a NIGERIAN ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฌ Hausa is one of the most widely spoken indigenous languages in Africa, competing favourably with Swahili. It is the most widely spoken language in Nigeria and Niger republic as well as the dominant indegenous language in West Africa. The Hausa people are easy going, generous (sometimes to a fault) and generally trust worthy (aminci). Their cuisine is very rich from various types of Tuwo (Shinkafa, Dawa, Masara etc) with accompanying soups to the famous "Suya", Kuli Kuli, dambu, alkubus, biski, gurasa, fate etc. They are great farmers and produce onions, rice, ground nut, peppers, tomatoes and many grains in large quantities. They are one of the few ethnic groups in Africa that delight in chatting online exclusively in Hausa. They are also known to be never ashamed of speaking their language any where in the world. They give their language first place among all languages. Similarly, they give special consideration to whoever attempts to speak in Hausa. Consequently, the language keeps spreading like wild fire. It is one of the very few languages in Africa with foreign stations like BBC, VOA, RFI etc broadcasting in their language. Join me to celebrate them as today, the 26th of August is "Ranar Hausa" - International Hausa Day. ๐Ÿ’ณ #DailyTrust Copied