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This is what Open AI and similar tools do best — look at existing content and find things so it should excel here. Figma has leveraged that.

As a tool to look for variations of a screen will save an incredible amount of time, especially in environments where designers move fast and treat design artifacts like fast food. The current set of artifacts that we have to go through to find a particular screen that is misnamed from a designer who worked there a long time ago?

It’s hours.
This is what Open AI and similar tools do best — look at existing content and find things so it should excel here. Figma has leveraged that. As a tool to look for variations of a screen will save an incredible amount of time, especially in environments where designers move fast and treat design artifacts like fast food. The current set of artifacts that we have to go through to find a particular screen that is misnamed from a designer who worked there a long time ago? It’s hours.