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You do not see the world as it is. Rather, you see the world as you are. Your thoughts rule your mind, and your mind manifests your thoughts into reality. That is why when you think of a person, they will often walk through the door, call you, or manifest in your reality through other means. Trying to fix your world without first fixing your mentality is like trying to fix the reflection you see in the mirror, without first fixing the image casting the reflection. Your thoughts are the DNA of your life. This is not immediately apparent because the transformation of your thoughts into your reality is not an immediate process. It is a gradual one. Your reality today are the result of your thoughts of yesterday, and your realities tomorrow will be your thoughts of today. For every thought, there is a corresponding occurrence in reality. It is only a matter of time. Therefore, to change your thoughts, you must first change your world. 
You do not see the world as it is. Rather, you see the world as you are. Your thoughts rule your mind, and your mind manifests your thoughts into reality. That is why when you think of a person, they will often walk through the door, call you, or manifest in your reality through other means. Trying to fix your world without first fixing your mentality is like trying to fix the reflection you see in the mirror, without first fixing the image casting the reflection. Your thoughts are the DNA of your life. This is not immediately apparent because the transformation of your thoughts into your reality is not an immediate process. It is a gradual one. Your reality today are the result of your thoughts of yesterday, and your realities tomorrow will be your thoughts of today. For every thought, there is a corresponding occurrence in reality. It is only a matter of time. Therefore, to change your thoughts, you must first change your world.