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Education that cannot change your situation is a wasted allocation of time. A four year course that cannot change your financial circumstances is not a course. It is a curse. Instead of wasting 5% of your life on a worthless degree that cannot, on its own, increase your usefulness to yourself and others, why not spend six months learning a skill that matters? Right now, eleven thousand skilled Indians without degrees are earning more money than the branch manager of your bank as technicians at Dangote Refinery. A graduate without an income is a bad outcome. A paying skill is better than a decaying degree!
Education that cannot change your situation is a wasted allocation of time. A four year course that cannot change your financial circumstances is not a course. It is a curse. Instead of wasting 5% of your life on a worthless degree that cannot, on its own, increase your usefulness to yourself and others, why not spend six months learning a skill that matters? Right now, eleven thousand skilled Indians without degrees are earning more money than the branch manager of your bank as technicians at Dangote Refinery. A graduate without an income is a bad outcome. A paying skill is better than a decaying degree!