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It’s not until you step out your morning here, to get coffee from a perfectly innocuous cafe window, that your brain starts asking questions. Where was that pizza place y’all used to go for trivia night? Was it near here? Wow…think that’s the one. How was finding it that easy? Wait a minute…wasn’t this also where you ordered drinks in a bar for the first time? And the memories tumble back:

You, a college student in town for the summer for a film & radio fellowship.

Dappled, sun-drenched 2008.
It’s not until you step out your morning here, to get coffee from a perfectly innocuous cafe window, that your brain starts asking questions. Where was that pizza place y’all used to go for trivia night? Was it near here? Wow…think that’s the one. How was finding it that easy? Wait a minute…wasn’t this also where you ordered drinks in a bar for the first time? And the memories tumble back: You, a college student in town for the summer for a film & radio fellowship. Dappled, sun-drenched 2008.