Upgrade to Pro

The first time you’ll go to a bluegrass-folk festival, feet stomping next to makeshift stages in fields and barns and forest clearings, watching musicians improvise together in glorious fugue. The first time you’ll see a fiddler yell-singing in joyful abandon next to her bandmates and think “I want to do that” and “I can do that” and “holy ****…where has this been all my life??”
The first time you’ll go to a bluegrass-folk festival, feet stomping next to makeshift stages in fields and barns and forest clearings, watching musicians improvise together in glorious fugue. The first time you’ll see a fiddler yell-singing in joyful abandon next to her bandmates and think “I want to do that” and “I can do that” and “holy shit…where has this been all my life??”