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Life is just a choice of various vanities. So, don't use 'wealth is vanity' to console yourself because poverty is also vanity. So even as you relish your poverty, you are also as vain as the wealthy man who flaunts his wealth. Therefore, get off your high horse and pursue the vanity that brings sanity to life. Pursue wealth. Marry a beautiful woman. Fly First Class. Wear designer clothes if that is your thing. Eat gourmet food. You see, some vanity that leads to calamities can drive you into insanity, even if they seem like inanities.
Life is just a choice of various vanities. So, don't use 'wealth is vanity' to console yourself because poverty is also vanity. So even as you relish your poverty, you are also as vain as the wealthy man who flaunts his wealth. Therefore, get off your high horse and pursue the vanity that brings sanity to life. Pursue wealth. Marry a beautiful woman. Fly First Class. Wear designer clothes if that is your thing. Eat gourmet food. You see, some vanity that leads to calamities can drive you into insanity, even if they seem like inanities.