Upgrade to Pro

And yet… I can imagine you’re also now thinking of the people who didn’t show up. Or who showed up at first, but not later. All the situations where you felt, or were told, you shouldn’t speak up about your experience. All the things you’ve had to seek out and learn for yourself about healing. So many of us suffer the pains of great loss in relative silence, and are left to feel like we’re bungling our way along our healing journeys alone.
And yet… I can imagine you’re also now thinking of the people who didn’t show up. Or who showed up at first, but not later. All the situations where you felt, or were told, you shouldn’t speak up about your experience. All the things you’ve had to seek out and learn for yourself about healing. So many of us suffer the pains of great loss in relative silence, and are left to feel like we’re bungling our way along our healing journeys alone.