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The right man will settle with you as a lady when you give him peace. And the right woman will give you peace as a man when you treat her well. So you see, it does not solely depend on the woman. It is a team effort. You are the voice and she is your echo. When money flows instead of blows from boxing gloves, the right honey will show you love. Don't brag and she is unlikely to nag. Play with her and make her laugh. After all, she came from your ribs. So crack her ribs by making her giggle, and she will be too elated to make you cry. In marriage, just as in any business, only teamwork makes the dream work!
The right man will settle with you as a lady when you give him peace. And the right woman will give you peace as a man when you treat her well. So you see, it does not solely depend on the woman. It is a team effort. You are the voice and she is your echo. When money flows instead of blows from boxing gloves, the right honey will show you love. Don't brag and she is unlikely to nag. Play with her and make her laugh. After all, she came from your ribs. So crack her ribs by making her giggle, and she will be too elated to make you cry. In marriage, just as in any business, only teamwork makes the dream work!