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But it was Thailand that really made the tuk-tuk famous. In 1957, the Thai government introduced these three-wheeled wonders as a way to modernize transportation. Little did they know they were creating a future tourist attraction!

I remember my first tuk-tuk ride in Bangkok. The driver, a guy named Chai with a grin wider than his vehicle, told me, “Fasten your seatbelt!” I looked around, confused. There were no seatbelts. Chai just laughed and said, “Just kidding! Hold on tight!” And off we went, weaving through traffic like a needle through thread.

Why Tuk-Tuks Took Over
But it was Thailand that really made the tuk-tuk famous. In 1957, the Thai government introduced these three-wheeled wonders as a way to modernize transportation. Little did they know they were creating a future tourist attraction! I remember my first tuk-tuk ride in Bangkok. The driver, a guy named Chai with a grin wider than his vehicle, told me, “Fasten your seatbelt!” I looked around, confused. There were no seatbelts. Chai just laughed and said, “Just kidding! Hold on tight!” And off we went, weaving through traffic like a needle through thread. Why Tuk-Tuks Took Over