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Living alone requires us to live with real intention and vulnerability, and when necessary, to use our words. This is the soft spot I’ve learned in these last weeks: To allow myself to admit, “Right now, in this season, I am not just alone but really lonely.” To say this to others, trusting that real ones will hear it without dismissal or silver-linings. And, in saying it, learning that others, too, are really lonely. That sometimes the best thing we can do for each other is simply to talk about our lonelinesses, and help each other feel the edges of where we long for more.
Living alone requires us to live with real intention and vulnerability, and when necessary, to use our words. This is the soft spot I’ve learned in these last weeks: To allow myself to admit, “Right now, in this season, I am not just alone but really lonely.” To say this to others, trusting that real ones will hear it without dismissal or silver-linings. And, in saying it, learning that others, too, are really lonely. That sometimes the best thing we can do for each other is simply to talk about our lonelinesses, and help each other feel the edges of where we long for more.