Upgrade to Pro

brilliant creative community, and the enduring satisfaction of a right-sized job, and the warmth of being chosen by others — we have also experienced how temporal each of these things can be, and how unbundled many of them are with each other. We’re feeling the loss of each of them, and loneliness that comes with it, and the social undertow that insists we must rebundle some in one particular way, and subsume the others. We have learned to open up the range for which aspects of human life and relationship get priority — for where, what, and whom to orient our lives around. But we’re lacking social scripts to help us meaningfully navigate and prioritize from this newly expanded decision set. Loneliness, now, plays in a thousand places.
brilliant creative community, and the enduring satisfaction of a right-sized job, and the warmth of being chosen by others — we have also experienced how temporal each of these things can be, and how unbundled many of them are with each other. We’re feeling the loss of each of them, and loneliness that comes with it, and the social undertow that insists we must rebundle some in one particular way, and subsume the others. We have learned to open up the range for which aspects of human life and relationship get priority — for where, what, and whom to orient our lives around. But we’re lacking social scripts to help us meaningfully navigate and prioritize from this newly expanded decision set. Loneliness, now, plays in a thousand places.