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25% is better than 0%.

Trying a little is better than not trying at all. Eating a protein bar
is better than nothing. Using dry
shampoo is better than not showering. Cleaning one section
of your room or house is better
than not cleaning any of it.

Writing a paragraph of your essay
is better than not starting it.
Whatever you can manage
today is okay. You can try again

Little steps are to be proud of.

25% is better than 0%. Trying a little is better than not trying at all. Eating a protein bar is better than nothing. Using dry shampoo is better than not showering. Cleaning one section of your room or house is better than not cleaning any of it. Writing a paragraph of your essay is better than not starting it. Whatever you can manage today is okay. You can try again tomorrow. Little steps are to be proud of.🤗💚