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In these last days, our life together has taken on a sweetness. One housemate bought me an interior design book, then read it herself and got inspired. Together, we reimagined what our living room (now, theirs) could look like in the future. We’ve spent hours going to furniture outlets and thrift stores, looking at rug patterns, trying different paintings on the walls.

I don’t have my own place yet, but here we are, once again — right as I leave, foot out the door — co-creating one together.
In these last days, our life together has taken on a sweetness. One housemate bought me an interior design book, then read it herself and got inspired. Together, we reimagined what our living room (now, theirs) could look like in the future. We’ve spent hours going to furniture outlets and thrift stores, looking at rug patterns, trying different paintings on the walls. I don’t have my own place yet, but here we are, once again — right as I leave, foot out the door — co-creating one together.