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In recent years I’ve learned how to be intentional about solitude. This helps me ward off loneliness. It’s ironic that one can solve for the other, but it’s true: Loneliness is an unintentional disconnect, solitude happens by choice.

Being alone opens all your senses up to your environment. Both your lungs and your feelings just sort of … get bigger. Being Alone is an opportunity to breathe in the luxury and thrill of your own undivided attention. Solitude offers the chance to have an encounter with yourself.
In recent years I’ve learned how to be intentional about solitude. This helps me ward off loneliness. It’s ironic that one can solve for the other, but it’s true: Loneliness is an unintentional disconnect, solitude happens by choice. Being alone opens all your senses up to your environment. Both your lungs and your feelings just sort of … get bigger. Being Alone is an opportunity to breathe in the luxury and thrill of your own undivided attention. Solitude offers the chance to have an encounter with yourself.