Upgrade to Pro

In one house, our group hosted small living room concerts and named our Christmas tree; the next iteration built tent forts during a hurricane and a garden in the sunshine, hosted dinner salons and group expeditions to play in rivers; in another house, we led bystander trainings and hosted pop-up craft shows, letting activists, artists, makers, and thinkers use our space as a staging ground. When people choose to live together, the home expands from private experience into a co-created world and a site of encounter, for those inside and those coming in. With every iteration I’ve lived in, my hope has been the same: That each person who visits will feel taken care of, at ease, inspired; that their aperture, too, might be widened by the threshold of our door.
In one house, our group hosted small living room concerts and named our Christmas tree; the next iteration built tent forts during a hurricane and a garden in the sunshine, hosted dinner salons and group expeditions to play in rivers; in another house, we led bystander trainings and hosted pop-up craft shows, letting activists, artists, makers, and thinkers use our space as a staging ground. When people choose to live together, the home expands from private experience into a co-created world and a site of encounter, for those inside and those coming in. With every iteration I’ve lived in, my hope has been the same: That each person who visits will feel taken care of, at ease, inspired; that their aperture, too, might be widened by the threshold of our door.