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A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having, writes Alan Moore. I feel this way about couches. A couch that is not prepared for four or more bodies all wedged or flopped onto it together, giggling and trying to balance food and drink and talking over each other and trying to win laughs or the argument or the remote…well, is no couch at all. My new apartment will have room for one of these couches, so finding one up to the challenge has become my primary obsession. I’m moving into an apartment complex — my first apartment in 12 years, and my first-ever apartment alone.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having, writes Alan Moore. I feel this way about couches. A couch that is not prepared for four or more bodies all wedged or flopped onto it together, giggling and trying to balance food and drink and talking over each other and trying to win laughs or the argument or the remote…well, is no couch at all. My new apartment will have room for one of these couches, so finding one up to the challenge has become my primary obsession. I’m moving into an apartment complex — my first apartment in 12 years, and my first-ever apartment alone.